Have you discovered your HIDDEN COSTS?

Break-Even, discounts, pricing and other factors will affect the profit of the business

This training provides the tools and information to give the user information to make more informed decisions.

Pricing can make a difference!

  • Markups an and Margins

    There is a difference. If a business uses the wrong calculation they may think they are making a profit but in fact may be losing money.

  • Break-Even

    How much revenue does it take to cover all the company's cost? What if the company wants to make a profit? This training will demonstrate the tools needed to guide you to the decisions.

  • Price changes

    What effect will discounting and price increases have on the profit of the business?

Course curriculum

Meet the Instructor

Neil Shnider, MBA, CPA, CVA

Neil Shnider MBA, CPA, CVA and The Shnider Group LLC have been in business for over 30 years applying and developing the methods and tools presented in this training. They have both academic and practical experience consulting with businesses and teaching in the university environment. Learn from the knowledge they want to share.